Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Earn Money For Checking In - WeReward.com


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via KillerStartups.com - all von am 17.06.10

We Reward is the latest app in the ever-lengthening queue of check in services that aim to conquer the imagination of internauts. In this particular case, things are kept very concise, and the app is true to its moniker in the sense that everything revolves around money. The company champions something that goes by the name of sponsored check ins.

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Buy and Sell Data with Data Marketplace


Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von Thomas via Google Reader gesendet.


via ProgrammableWeb von Matthew Casperson am 21.06.10

The internet is the perfect medium for matching supply with demand. You can find your next freelance job or, as Craigslist has been singled out for, find just about anything else (if you know the right euphemisms). Now, with Data Marketplace, you can also easily request or provide datasets covering anything you can think of:

Data Marketplace makes it easy for people to find, buy and sell data online.

People request data that they need. Providers upload data to Data Marketplace, provide descriptive metadata, and set a price. Stored metadata is used to help consumers find relevant data through traditional search engines and when browsing the marketplace.

At the moment there are not a lot of datasets available, and those that are available cover fairly standard topics like ZIP codes, stock prices and life expectancy. Far more interesting are the requests, like data on permits for pizza restaurants, email addresses of hedge fund managers and stats on people trafficking.

It will be interesting to see if Data Marketplace can complete with the freely available data being pushed out by governments around the world (like the UK and US), and services ranging from Wolfram Alpha to Infochimps.

But with the obscure nature of some of the requests, Data Marketplace is sure to find a niche.




Saturday, January 02, 2010

Envato.com - Selling & Buying Digital Items Easily

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Envato.com - Selling & Buying Digital Items Easily

When it comes to getting the benefits of robust platforms where artists and musicians as well as designers and developers have the possibility to promote and sell their work, the Envato Marketplaces seem to be a valid option.

This is an Australian company that offers people the chance to buy and sell not only music and videos but also digital items like website templates and so on. It will also give you the opportunity to follow any particular author so you can get in touch with him/her to buy the articles you need.

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Learn more about Envato.com in Dataopedia.com

Find out how much Envato.com is worth with Stimator.com

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