Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Raveal: The Future of Online Job Hunting?

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Raveal: The Future of Online Job Hunting?

Written by Darrell Etherington.

raveallogoWe've all probably used either Monster.com or Workopolis.com at some point. Whether or not we did so successfully or enjoyed the process is another story. Looking for work online can feel clumsy, impersonal and of questionable effectiveness. Even professional networking apps like LinkedIn haven't really made significant advances to the way we go about searching for jobs on the web. A new service, called Raveal, hopes to bring some fresh perspective to the online employment search game.

Raveal is aimed at the job hunter, promising to represent those who list themselves with the service as people, not assets. It's an attractive prospect when you're coming from a situation where you feel significantly less than human in the meat market that is Monster. And it has a distinctly simple, clean Web 2.0 look that at least shows the site's designers take their job seriously.

Picture 1Once I got into the process of actually creating a profile, though, I began to wonder if the look and feel of the site were the only things that distinguished it from its predecessors. The information asked for when setting up your public profile is suspiciously similar to the information you'd be asked for on Workopolis or any similar site. I suppose the basic search criteria that employers will use doesn't vary that much, so maybe Raveal using it can be excused. Still, for a modern Web 2.0 app, I found the categories provided to be pretty traditional and restrictive.

Picture 7Raveal's resume creator is a little more free-form. The standard "Objective," "Experience" and "Education" fields are all there (although you can customize even these basic section titles), but you can also add as many additional custom categories as you want. Each section has entries within it, which consist of a title and a description or details. It's a very simple format, but it does allow for considerable customization.

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